Agri-Clinics and Agri-business Centers (AC&ABC) is a flagship scheme of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Farmers Welfare, Gol was launched on 9th April, 2002. National Institute of Agricultural Extension
Management (MANAGE) is the nodal agency for implementing the scheme having a network of 150+
Nodal Training Institutes spread across the country. The objective of the scheme is to supplement the
efforts of public extension facilitating qualified Agricultural professionals to set up Agri-ventures and
also to deliver value-added extension advisory services to farmers, besides providing self-employment
opportunities to Agripreneurs. Efforts the MANAGE and partners have resulted in training of 72,136
agri-graduates and establishing of 28,755 successful Agri-ventures across the country as on March 31st,
2020. The Agri-Clinics and Agri-business Centers have created impact in terms of supporting agricultural
development complementing public extension, increasing farmers’ income, generating employment and
reducing the migration of rural youth.