National Conference Participation & Abstract Publication
- Saravanan, R., (2011),Tribal Farm Youth for Facilitating Agricultural Advisory Services ICTs: A Success Story from North-East India, Presented in the National Seminar on Attracting Farm Youth to Sustainable Agriculture (26th to 28th August, 2001), GKVK Campus, UAS, Bangalore.***
- Saravanan, R., and Kamaraj, R., (2006), Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Agricultural Development in North-East India, Published in the abstract volume of the National Seminar on Natural Resources and Tribal Communities in North-Eastern India (7th & 8th Feb, 2006), JNC, Pasighat. *
- Saravanan, R., and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2005), Agricultural Extension: Who Will Pay, for What and How Much?. Presented in the National Seminar on Extension Pluralism for Rural Development (25th & 26 Feb, 2005), SEE, TNAU, Coimbatore. ***
- Saravanan, R., and Veerabhadraiah, V., (2005), Institutional Pluralism and Changing Elements of Extension. Presented in the National Seminar on Extension Pluralism for Rural Development (25th & 26 Feb, 2005), SEE, TNAU, Coimbatore. *
- Veerabhadraiah, V., and Saravanan, R., (2005), Effectiveness Indicators of Public, Private and NGOs Extension. Presented in the National Seminar on Extension Methodological Issues in Impact Assessment of Agricultural and Rural Development Programmes (21st -23rd January, 2004), UAS, Bangalore. *
- Saravanan, R., Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., and Veerabhadraiah, V., (2004), Advanced Agricultural Extension Strategies. Presented in the ICAR Sponsored Winter School on “Advanced Extension Strategies for Agricultural management with Quality Issues’ during 17th November to 16th December, 2004 at BCKV, Kalyani.
- Saravanan, R., and Veerabhadraiah, V., (2004), Public, Private and NGOs Extension Effectiveness Indicators: Why it Differs?. Published in the abstract volume of IEF National Seminar on Restructuring Extension Systems…during December, 2004 at Gandhigram Rural University, Dindugal, Tamil Nadu.
- Saravanan, R., and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2004), Farmers’ Commitment and Change Agents Accountability: The Great Loss and Gain in Public, Private and NGOs Extension. Published in the abstract volume of IEF National Seminar on Restructuring Extension Systems…during December, 2004 at Gandhigram Rural University, Dindugal, Tamil Nadu.
- Saravanan, R., (2004), Extension Systems of Arunachal Pradesh: Many Miles to Go., Published in the abstract volume of IEF National Seminar on Restructuring Extension Systems…during December, 2004 at Gandhigram Rural University, Dindugal, Tamil Nadu.
- Saravanan, R., and Veerabhadraiah, V., (2003), Public and Private Extension: Changing Objectives, Presented in the National Seminar on ‘Extension Strategy for Promoting Development Initiatives among Farming Community, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttranchal. *
- Saravanan, R., (2003), Agricultural Extension Education in India: Do or Die Away? Published in the Abstract Volume of the Indian Extension Education Congress (2003), SEE, Advance Research and Management Centre of Rural Environment, Agra, India.
- Saravanan, R., and Veerabhadraiah,V., (2002), Privatising Agricultural Extension: Perspective for the Future, Published in the abstract volume of the Seminar on Privatising Extension-Issuses and Strategies, (26th May, 2002), Bhubaneshwar, India.
- Saravanan, R., and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2001), Commercialization of Extension Services for Sustainability of Extension System Under SAU’s in India. Presented in the National Seminar on Extension Role of Agricultural Universities in India (7th & 8th June, 2001), Bangalore, India. *
- Saravanan, R., and Katteppa, Y., (2001), Information Technology (IT) for Capacity Building in Agricultural University Extension System. Presented in the National Seminar on Extension Role of Agricultural Universities in India (7th & 8th June, 2001), Bangalore, India. *
- Saravanan, R., (2001), Information Technology for Rural Development. Presented in the National Symposium on Development Communication Rural Sector (16-18 February, 2001), Visva-Bharati, West Bengal, India. *
- Saravanan, R., (2001), Farm Communication Research on Mass Media: Strategies to Reach Unreached for Sustainable Development. Presented in the National Symposium on Development Communication Rural Sector (16th –18th February, 2001), Visva-Bharati, West Bengal, India. ***
- Saravanan, R., Shivalinge Gowda, N.S. and Nagaraj, K.H., (2000), Privatizing Agricultural Extension – Concepts, Reasons and Assumptions. Presented in the National Seminar on Private Extension: Approaches and Challenges in the Millennium (28th & 29th July, 2000), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. *
- Saravanan, R., and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2000), Status of Functioning of the Two Private Consultancy Agencies in Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu. Presented in the National Seminar on Private Extension: Approaches and Challenges in the Millennium (28th & 29th July, 2000), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. *
- Saravanan, R., Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., and Gowrisankara Rao, A., (2000), A Case Analysis of Private Agricultural Consultant – Jamnalal Bajaj Awardee – 1997. Presented in the National Seminar on Private Extension: Approaches and Challenges in the Millennium (28th & 29th July, 2000), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. *
- Saravanan, R., (2000), Agricultural Consultancy Services from Canara Bank. Presented in the National Seminar on Private Extension: Approaches and Challenges in the Millennium (28th & 29th July, 2000), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. *
- Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., and Saravanan, R., (2000), Attitude and Preferences of Agricultural Scientists towards Privatization of Agricultural Extension Service. Presented in the National Seminar on Private Extension: Approaches and Challenges in the Millennium (28th & 29th July, 2000), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India.
- Saravanan, R., and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2000), Strategies for Privatizing Agricultural Extension in India. Presented in the National Seminar on Private Extension: Approaches and Challenges in the Millennium (28th & 29th July, 2000), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India.
- Saravanan, R., and Resmy, C., (2000), Role of Public and Private Extension in New Millennium. Presented in the National Seminar on Private Extension: Approaches and Challenges in the Millennium (28th & 29th July, 2000), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. *
- Saravanan, R., and Resmy, C., (2000), Private Agri-Clinic: – A Report. Presented in the National Seminar on Private Extension: Approaches and Challenges in the Millennium (July, 28th –29th 2000), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. *
- Saravanan, R and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2000), Client- Accountable Extension: A Strategy of Social Change for New Millennium. Presented in the National Symposium on Social Transformation in Rural Sector at Visva-Bharati (1st to 3rd February, 2000), West Bengal, India.*
Case Studies & Credit Seminars Presented at UAS, Bangalore
- Extension Systems of Israel (2002)
- Agricultural Decision Support System APIB- ISRO (2002)
- Private Extension in India – A Review (2001)
- Application of IT in Agricultural Extension (2001)
- Status and Prospectus of Privatisation of Agricultural Extension Service (1999)
- Problems and Future of Public Extension Service (1999)