Webinar on

“Agri-Startups for Fostering Agricultural Development: Opportunities, Challenges and Way Forward”

17th July, 2020; 11.00 am to 1.00pm     

Agri-Startups are accelerating agricultural development providing the much-needed boost and have the potential to lead the growth of Indian agriculture towards an innovative and sustainable path. They provide solutions to the current gaps in the agri-value chain and deliver efficient products, technologies and services to the farmers, consumers, ranging from ICT apps to farm mechanisation, weather forecasting to the usage of drones, and input retailing to online vegetable marketing. Despite efforts of public and private sector players in supporting these agri-startups, many face challenges such as low landholding size farmers, long gestation periods, technology affordability, adaptability and deployment constraints for small and marginal farmers. Over the past decade, India has witnessed a sustained growth in agri-startups but needs a strong push to reach its absolute potential.


This webinar aims to highlight various opportunities, challenges and suggestions for promoting agri-startups.